Your life is an exercise in balance. How close to rock-bottom can you hover without ever actually getting there? This is a question you strive to answer every day as you make your way clumsily through life. It’s a question that underlines all the decisions you make, both big and small, from who to date to how to manage your meager finances to what poisonous substances to consume. It’s what keeps you up at night and what feeds your generalized anxiety disorder as well as your myriad, troubling addictions. This question is really the ultimate goal of your whole life.

Lucky for you, Fraudulent Living is here to show you the way. The true way. The way of the neurotic, self-obsessed, success-avoiding loser. It’s time to quit pussyfooting around and do this for real.

That’s right, “pussyfooting.”

Welcome to Fraudulent Living.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Other people fall in love. For you, though, it's more like a crash. And it usually pretty much destroys everything. But once in a while you'll do a Hudson River landing and somehow make it off completely unscathed and with a new appreciation for life. 

Why is it so devastating for you? Lots of reasons, all related to your fraudulence, are at play here. For one thing, you will fall in love with someone when you have no real reason to do so. And this person you fall in love with for no reason will be the most obviously wrong person for you ever. It will seem to an outsider that you actually held interviews with a search committee to find the most nonsensical and incompatible fit available.  Unfortunately for you, though, this isn't true. It just happens that this is the type of person you find yourself attracted to. It's one of life's many cruel jokes that include you as part of the punchline. Your life is like watching a dog devour a bag of chocolate.

Also, most of the time this person you fall in love with, in addition to being completely wrong for you, will also be already coupled or of a different sexual orientation than required for your coupling. 

When it all ends, you'll probably have never done more than flirt with the other person in reality, even though in your mind you were already in a full-fledged, dysfunctional relationship. In a way, this is great, because the fallout from the ending of the relationship won't really exist since the relationship never really existed. The debris exists only in your head. But so does your fear and your guilt and your shame and your cancer and your whole entire life. 

Don't worry too much about it, though. This is all part of the fragrant fraudulence of your life. Savor it. Drink it in like a big glass of battery acid. You deserve it.

1 comment:

dannyg123456 said...

haha i love fragrant fraudulence