Your life is an exercise in balance. How close to rock-bottom can you hover without ever actually getting there? This is a question you strive to answer every day as you make your way clumsily through life. It’s a question that underlines all the decisions you make, both big and small, from who to date to how to manage your meager finances to what poisonous substances to consume. It’s what keeps you up at night and what feeds your generalized anxiety disorder as well as your myriad, troubling addictions. This question is really the ultimate goal of your whole life.

Lucky for you, Fraudulent Living is here to show you the way. The true way. The way of the neurotic, self-obsessed, success-avoiding loser. It’s time to quit pussyfooting around and do this for real.

That’s right, “pussyfooting.”

Welcome to Fraudulent Living.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Your taste in things: Food

You already know what your regular diet should consist of when it's only up to you. However, you'll often go out to eat with other people, in which case a gallon of coffee, cheese and gum won't be acceptable. When, say, you go on a date with someone new, one of the first chances you'll have to fraudulate is through your expressed interest in unusual and/or ethnic food.

When your date forces you to respond to "Where should we go for dinner?" make sure you name something generically but obviously foreign, like "Japanese" or "Ethiopian" (or, preferably, "You pick"). Whatever you do, don't specify any meat-related foods, because if you live in a major metropolitan area, your date will likely turn out to be a vegetarian. If they are, make sure you say something like, "Yeah, I'm basically a vegetarian, although I don't know if I could give up fish. I never eat red meat and rarely eat chicken or pork." You should declare this vehemently, even though you recently won a free meal at a steakhouse by consuming their 150-oz. steak in one sitting and then had chicken nuggets later that night. This statement is a good way to start a relationship, because you'll find that every time you go out, you'll be forced into not ordering what you want and you'll develop a bitterness and eventual hatred towards your significant other, who probably doesn't really care that you eat meat anyway. Even if your date isn't vegetarian, you'll have set up a precedent for eating at new and sometimes weird places when all you really want is a piece of pepperoni pizza.

On the other hand, you'll often go out with friends as well. When this happens, make sure you only go to places for kitsch value, like Red Lobster, or Wendy's, or Chuck E. Cheese, where the food is terrible and the people who aren't there for kitsch value are depressing shades of gray or massively overweight. Then, later, when your intestines are bloated and gooey and you've wasted the same amount of money, or more, on what could have been a really good meal not comprised of pure lard, make sure you promise yourself never to pick a restaurant for kitsch value again. Then, two days later, suggest Sizzler when your friend asks you where you want to go out to eat.

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